Saturday, November 13, 2010

Museum of Flight Recap

We had the NHMGS game day at the Museum of Flight in Seattle on November 6. I'm a little late in getting my report in, since none of my pictures turned out and I got a little busy during the week. Luckily Dale Mickel took a bunch of pictures and I've "borrowed" some for this post. You can see all of Dale's pictures here.

The 6th was a rainy day (so surprising for Seattle) so we were expecting a good number of visitors at the museum. We had a good turnout of NHMGS members (around 25 people), the information table was set up, and all the games were ready to go when the museum opened up.
NHMGS game tables under the Museum's Blackbird
During the morning session we had an air racing game (using my home brew rules), a 28mm World War II game, a 15mm World War II game, a World War I air game (using Wing of War), and DBA games going on. All the games drew viewers and questions from museum visitors. The Wings of War and DBA games even had a few visitors sit down and play some games.

Air Racing nose-to-nose
In the afternoon, the DBA and 15mm World War II games continued, while a 20mm Spanish Civil War and 10mm World War II Tobruk game were added to the mix.
DBA under the Blackbird
I spent most of the day at the information table, talking with the museum goers and generally making a nusance of myself.

Side view of the information table
Overall, it was a good day for NHMGS at the museum. We had a chance to show off the hobby to the general public, play a few games, and everyone seemed to have a good time. We expect to be back next year (mark your calendars now).

A couple other NHMGS members (Kevin and Dean) posted their own impressions of the Museum of Flight game day and you can read them here: Kevin and Dean.

I should be returning to some naval gaming topics with my next blog post.

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