I'm continuing to work on my Enfilade 2017 projects. This week I completed the 1/6000 scale American ships for the Captain’s Edition Harpoon game.
The US ships came together and painted up quickly (I know it isn’t really that hard to paint dark gray on light gray, but it does take time). So, as of right now, I would say the project is ahead of schedule.
I painted up a couple
Nimitz class carriers, some modernized
Iowa class battleships, some amphibious ships, along with lots of escorting cruisers, destroyers, and frigates. I painted up all the ships in the packs, even though most won't make it into the game, which works out to 2 carriers, 40 other ships, and 8 subs. After taking the photos, I realize that I need to improve my camera work, since I was having a little trouble getting the camera to focus in on the ships. Here are a few photos of the different task groups.
A Nimitz class carrier (center) with (from left around the top in a circle) a Spruance class destroyer, Bunker Hill class cruiser, Knox class frigate, O.H. Perry class frigate, and A Burke destroyer |
A Surface Action Group with an Iowa class battleship, a cruiser, destroyer and pair of frigates |
The Amphibious Group with two Whidbey Island class LSDs and a couple Newport class LSTs with destroyer and frigate escorts. |
U.S. subs to round out the force |
I also painted up some air bases for the operational-level map. These are 2 inch modern airfields from
Fight’s On.
Fight's On Modern Airfields |
Next up is work on the task force, aircraft, and missile markers.